A Marketer’s Perspective on March Madness
by Ben B.
1 in about 9.2 quintillion; According to an article in
USA Today Sports, that’s the chance you have of completing a perfect bracket in this year’s NCAA men’s basketball tournament. Since most of us have never seen 9.2 quintillion of anything, here’s how the number would look, if you decided to write it out: 9,200,000,000,000,000,000. Yeah, that’s 18 digits after the number 9.

Fortunately, your business success doesn’t depend on filling out an ideal basketball bracket, although sometimes it can seem almost as challenging. Trying to market to millions of consumers in a wide geography without knowing their behaviors can be like choosing your bracket winners based on the color of their uniforms or the appeal of their mascots.
But it doesn’t have to be that way. As the article goes on to say, a little logic makes a big difference. Turns out, if you’re up on your NCAA teams, your chances of scoring that perfect bracket improve to about 1 in 128 billion. Just like that, you can knock the number of zeros in half to, 128,000,000,000.
The good news is that with
ScanLife’s powerful analytics, you don’t have to worry about any of those crazy odds. Our sophisticated platform gives unique access to every scan for effective campaign targeting and performance tracking. You’ll have the ability to monitor customer activity in real time by accessing scan counts, time and date details, specific user demographics, location data, OS detection, and more.
So, let ScanLife help you engage with your customers, sharpen your aim, and create a winning business strategy.
Then go out and enjoy some basketball.