Give Your Products a Fighting Chance
by maryann
An army of toasters marches along the shelf of the big-box store, each displaying an arsenal of features and benefits, well-equipped to win the battle of bread.
Floating past the stainless steel soldiers is a continuous line of customers, carefully eyeing each toaster’s credentials like platoon sergeants leading an inspection. They check all the basics: the clean look, the complete uniform, the trusted warranty. But, unlike real soldiers, the toasters can’t answer the burning questions that determine the true character of the product: Is it a hard worker? Is it safe? Will it let me down in the midst of a big breakfast battle?
Except for one toaster, that is.
A simple
QR Code, worn like a tiny merit badge, gives one stainless steel soldier a voice of its own—a fighting chance amid an army of competitors.

One customer notices the square badge and, soon, others stop to take note, saluting the QR Code with a wave of their smartphones. The toaster responds, instantly at attention, ready for the inspection. It doesn’t speak directly, of course, but it provides a lot more than name, rank and serial number.
In fact, if you were to put all the information provided in that toaster’s QR Code into conversation form, it would sound something like this:
- “Why yes, 127 people have submitted reviews about me and I’ve received a 4.72 rating out of 5. In fact, Bob F. from Indianapolis says I’m the best toaster he’s ever had. And he eats toast every day.”
- “Here’s how I’ve performed over time, compared to other toasters (yes, many of them are lined up right next to me).”
- “Just touch your screen again—right here—and you can save $5.00 when you take me to the cash register—now.”
- “Feel free to check out my website; it has some cool videos about things you never realized you could do with toast—yes toast! Isn’t that cool?”
- “Oh, and by the way, if you need any other appliances from our company, we have some discounts that might interest you.”
With QR Codes, your products are trained and ready to answer the call of duty. And, boot camp is easy at ScanLife. Here’s all it takes to have your products spit-shined and standing tall for inspection:
1. Generate unique mobile consumer experiences designed for your needs
2. Publish codes where they’ll have the greatest impact
3. Engage with customers when you receive a scan request—just when their interest is highest
4. Engage based on individual needs or placement of QR Code
5. Manage and monitor the business data analytics
Back in the big-box store, sales are increasing with every smartphone salute. Armed and ready, with its QR Code cavalry, one stainless steel soldier easily takes charge amid the clash of the toasters.
To learn more about powering your mobile marketing campaigns with QR Codes, and other mobile triggers – give us a call at (646) 688-5818.