Why Smartphones Are Now The Backbone Of Our Daily Media Use
by Alex from London
Last February, Google and Ipsos released “Our Mobile Planet: Global Smartphone Users” (
read more on it here) which explained the behavior of smartphone users.
Now, in their latest research, Google and Ipsos have gone a step further with “
The Newscreen World: Understanding Cross-platform Consumer Behavior". The report examines how the multi-screen world (with its ubiquitous TVs, smartphones, computers and tablets) impacts the bahavior of consumers and how the different devices play in relation to one another.
The study finds that context drives device choice and that, unsurprisingly, consumers own multiple devices and move seamlessly between them throughout their day. In sum, computers keep us productive and informed, smartphones keep us connected, and tablets keep us entertained. For digital marketers, it means that that they need to take into account the needs of a consumer on a specific screen, and adjust conversion goals to account for the inherent differences in each device.
Interestingly, the research shows that
smartphones have positioned themselves as the backbone of our daily media use: they are the devices used most on a daily basis and
serve as the most common starting point for activities across multiple screens.

Adding to Google's research, is the consensus is that mobile searches will outpace desktop local searches by 2015 (and by some estimates they already have). Going mobile is therefore, more than ever, imperative to the growth of your business.
In this context, businesses which facilitate and control the connections between the physical and digital world stand to reap great benefits: for example by delivering product information or discounts right from a product package or PoS material; or video demos and tips & tricks right from a print advertisement (plenty of case studies to illustrate all this here).
Today, we believe that QR codes are the most effective way to bridge the physical with the digital world: mobile engagement platforms, such as ScanLife, allow marketers to create QR codes, track who scans what and where, and therefore understand better consumers' journey across the different media.
For expert advice on how to reach your consumers through their smartphones, please visit www.scanlife.com or join the discussions on the “Exchanging Smarter Ideas on Mobile Engagement” LinkedIn group.